SANE Viscera-3


Turn on your “Slim Gut Switch” with the proven power of new time-released triple-action POSTbiotics in Viscera-3™


  • Melt inches off your waist overnight by eliminating that bloating and “bathroom backup.”
  • Break free from bloating and gas fast.
  • Experience clean, and consistent perfect daily poops with increased youthful energy


Viscera-3 is a new post-biotic supplement from the ever-popular SANE Laboratories. According to the official website and its creators, this supplement is designed to help support healthy digestion and eliminate painful bowel movements.



What is Viscera-3?

While it certainly is not glamorous in any manner, Viscera-3 is a supplement that addresses a very common, yet embarrassing problem – painful bowel movements. Roughly one in four adults in the United States reports experiencing this problem on a somewhat regular basis and painful bowel movements are directly linked to poor gut health.

While a change in diet is essential to improve your gut health, Viscera-3 can offer you additional support to eliminate common digestive problems, weight gain, and several other health issues.

You may achieve incredible results through a blend of natural ingredients that have been extensively studied and proven to support gut health. Within weeks – possibly days, you’ll start to see an improvement in your digestion and the decreased frequency of painful bowel movements.

This supplement is especially useful because it offers a better and safer alternative to laxatives. While laxatives are easy to take and sometimes work, they are inconsistent and sometimes do more harm than good. Viscera-3 offers a proven solution that is a safe, more effective alternative to laxatives.


 Ingredients in Viscera-3

Viscera-3 was formulated by a team of doctors and scientists that specialize in digestive health. After testing out hundreds of formulas, they finally found the right combination of ingredients that could effectively eliminate digestive issues and painful bowel movements. This formula is what is not called Viscera-3.

There are five main ingredients in Viscera-3, which include:

Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in more than 300 different metabolic processes in the body. This trace mineral is needed for muscles to contract, which makes it easier for you to release bowel movements. It also maintains your immune system and reduces inflammation.

Multi-factor chromium: In a recent study from LSU, women taking chromium reduced their food intake, saw reduced hunger pangs, and had fewer carb cravings. These women also reported a decrease in body weight – especially around their gut.

Corebiome tributyrate: This patented form of butyrate is super bioavailable and is directly delivered to the lower colon to reduce bloating, gas, constipation, and other problematic digestive issues. It is considered the holy grail of probiotics.

Pomegranate fruit extract: Only recently has pomegranate been given more mainstream attention. Research has shown pomegranate fruit extract can help promote mitophagy, the process in which cells reproduce themselves. It also produces a potent antioxidant response to reduce inflammation in the gut.

Grape seed extract: Grape seed extract is rich in antioxidant compounds called oligomeric proanthocyanidin (OPC), which has been extensively studied. Studies have shown OPC can enhance wound healing, reduce inflammation, and help maintain gut health.


Benefits of Viscera-3

While Viscera-3 has a very specific purpose (to relieve painful bowel movements), its ingredients can help you in a multitude of ways. 

Some of the reported benefits of Viscera-3 include:


#1 – Better gut health

The health of your gut is dependent on several things, most notably the balance of your gut flora. Your gut flora is the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract that regulates digestion, immunity, and hormone production. Poor gut health can lead to hormone imbalances, poor digestion, slow metabolism, and a weak immune system. Viscera helps restore a healthy gut flora through its probiotic and anti-inflammatory ingredients to improve your overall gut health.


#2 – Heals a leaky gut

A leaky gut syndrome is the result of a weak lining of your digestive tract. A leaky gut occurs when your digestive tract allows toxins, bacteria, and other pathogens to enter your body instead of being flushed out. Viscera may strengthen the lining of your digestive tract and reduce the inflammation that makes leaky gut syndrome worse.


#3- Eliminates painful bowels

Butyrate is one of the most well-known digestive aids and one of the main benefits of taking it is that it helps to relieve painful bowel movements. It can relieve your constipation, which is often the root cause of painful bowel movements, but it can also make sure it is easy for you to go when you need to go.


#4 – Helps reduce belly fat

Weight gain and obesity can actually be the result of poor digestion. In fact, in many cases, poor digestive health is the exact cause of weight gain. This is because the bacteria in the gut help produce enzymes that promote the production of certain hormones involved with your metabolism. This may help speed up your metabolism and help you eliminate some of the stubborn fat you’ve been struggling to lose.


Side Effects of Viscera-3

While digestive health is essential to your overall health, sacrificing the rest of your health just to stop painful bowel movements isn’t worth it. Unfortunately, many of the other supplements designed for digestive health can make bloating worse, increase pain, or cause bleeding before they begin to work.

Thankfully, the same cannot be said for Viscera. SANE laboratories have spent a considerable amount of effort making sure their supplement is safe and free from side effects. As it turns out, they’ve managed to do a fantastic job.

There are no major side effects to taking Viscera and most users tolerate the product incredibly well. On occasion, you may experience some slight discomfort since the ingredients in Viscera may be actively enhancing digestion. However, this typically goes away within a day or so and in most cases is very mild and barely noticeable.

Overall, Viscera is a very safe product and poses no risk to your health. If for some reason you are unsure whether this product is right for you, consider speaking to your doctor or a medical professional before trying the product. He or she should be able to tell you whether or not Viscera is right for you. 





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